Clean and Comfortable Education Design

Cities and states are hard at work on plans to reopen the nation’s colleges and universities in the fall. A typical dormitory has shared living and study spaces. Dining on campus is set up to accommodate hundreds in one sitting.

What’s Next for Hospital Design

Hospitals remain on the front lines of the pandemic fight.

Creating a Soothing Atmosphere for Seniors in Troubled Times

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions or compromised immune systems are at the highest risk for severe illness from the coronavirus.

Furniture Should Not be an Afterthought When Reopening Offsite Healthcare Offices

The doors of many medical offices are closed and have been for several months. Doctor’s appointments via telemedicine have replaced in-office visits.

How Does Furniture Affect Learning

A student’s environment correlates to their ability to concentrate and work efficiently. School furniture plays a major role in the effectiveness of a student’s learning and the level of comfort in that furniture is the reason why.

How Kwalu Furniture Supports Infection Prevention and Safeguards against Cross-Contamination in Senior Living Communities

While COVID-19 seems to have popped up, the fact is pandemics are not new. There have been virulent strains of plague, smallpox, yellow fever and multiple Flu epidemics, SARS and COVID-19.

Clean Surfaces Stimulate Learning and Keep Campuses Safe

Many of the nation’s schools, colleges and universities included, are closed. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and the need for cleaner than clean environments they may not reopen until the start of the new school year.

Social Distance and Extreme Clean are the Watchwords in Senior Living

According to the Centers for Disease Control, seniors are a high-risk age group in the COVID-19 pandemic. Those with an underlying health condition are extremely vulnerable.

Spray bottle cleaning surface

Clean Surfaces Matter

Especially now. As we try to wrap our heads around the COVID-19 pandemic and the burgeoning information on how it all affects our lives, we should take comfort in what we know.

Cleaning Healthcare Furniture Surfaces Is Vital For a Healthier Hospital Environment

Healthcare environments are challenging on a daily basis. Healthcare facilities and the caregivers who work in them are on the front lines of keeping Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) under control. Constant hand washing is the first line of defense against contracting an infection.

Senior Living as a Community Destination

Community brings people together. Community is social. Community is health and wellness. Kwalu furniture for senior living is designed for wellness.

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